Imperial Bunker on Endor

Welcome to my first ever LEGO Star Wars build, the Imperial Bunker on Endor based on scenes from Return of the Jedi. The entire project took about five months, but most of that time we spent waiting on pieces to arrive from Lego Pick-A-Brick. Shipping times were horrendous during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

The Lego MOC is set in the forests of Endor as Rebels troopers led by Han Solo, Princess Leia, and Chewbacca are attempting to raid an Imperial Bunker with an objective to destroy shield generators protecting the Death Star.

This being my first legitimate Star Wars MOC, I learned some cool building techniques. The largest of the redwood trees was based on the Lego Ideas Treehouse design. The other trees used a SNOT (studs not on top) technique that turned out really well in my opinion.

The MOC features a completed interior with various rooms depicted scenes from Return of the Jedi. Several of the rooms were made based on imagination, but others like the control room were based on actual scenes.

Watch it on YouTube

It's always fun watching my old videos back. This was my first LEGO Star Wars MOC and my first Finale filmed on YouTube. I'll be honest; while it's not up to my current standards, it wasn't terrible. What I enjoy most about this video are the cut scenes from Return of the Jedi, helping to tell the story of the build.


Rebel Outpost on Hoth